Friday, September 10

Weekly Money Check-Up

In an all too perfect follow up to yesterday's post, I decided to participate in My Pretty Pennies' "Weekly Money Check-up"! It was previously referred to as the "Monday Money Check-up" which made me hesitant to repost because I always ended up doing it on a Friday, and by then it just seemed silly to post something called a Monday Money Check-up, but I digress. I love that she does this because it's a great way to reflect on your spending for the week. If you want to meet a girl that has her stuff together definitely check out her out.  

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on my credit card payment, $400. Does that count? If not then it was the blazer I bought at J.Crew on my birthday. It is pure perfection.

2. Today I feel eh towards money.-- only because we can't seem to get into the black on our investment account, and I paid my credit card bill.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was Armour Day! It was a team building day at work and we did it amazing race style, resulting in 40 UA employees sprinting through the streets of Baltimore. It was awesome.
4. I will consider this week a success if I can cross off a majority of my to do list at work before Friday.

5. My first job was as a camp counselor at the summer camp of my Lutheran grade school.

Repost with your own answers if you dare, and make sure you let My Pretty Pennies know, or just wait a few days until she posts again!


  1. Nice to know more about you.....Im trying to keep better track of my spending too....not doing such a great job though, lol

    Statements in Fashion

  2. Just found your blog through TeacHer Finance - looking forward to following!


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