Saturday, January 10

back to basics

So let's talk about our first strategy to dressing rich: getting back to basics. Its not so much about the stylist prescribed things you should have in your closet, but more so the pieces that make up your day-to-day wardrobe.

For example, I'm a fairly simple girl. I like to keep my clothes basic and add interest with textures, shoes, and accessories. Same goes with my make-up routine and nails. I usually use a light foundation, some eyeliner, mascara, and a tinted gloss. I use a little eye shadow on occasion if I'm going out at night, or just to make my eyes pop. My nails are always just filed and buffed with a clear coat.

Sounds pretty simple to figure out right?

Then why when I sat down to clean out my closets I had about 15 bottles of nail polish and eye shadow pallets in every color known to man. Not to mention probably a dozen or so shirts in colors and prints I would never wear, and probably never had. All those things I had spent money on (and mostly likely paid interest) for them to sit in my closet and vanity to go unused and untouched. I wouldn't even want to put a dollar amount on the things I have thrown away/donated because I know it would just make me cringe. I didn't realize what my own style was because I was focused on what other people were wearing and doing, and thought I could make that work for me. I needed some serious change.

I read a personal finance book called "You're So Money: Live Rich Even When You're Not" by Farnoosh Tarobi. In it she talks about strategies for identifying what your "good life" is and achieving it on a limited budget. I loved the book and found that a lot of the concepts she wrote about could easily translate to my life and closet. The one that started my personal finance for your closet crusade is knowing what makes up your "good life" or in this case, your "good closet". For me, it is a good pair (or 2) of dark wash boot cut jeans, some tanks for layering, long sleeve cotton and collared shirts, some nice trousers for work, some sweaters or sweatshirts to finish an outfit and of course lots of shoes. Most else I can take or leave. Those are my basics. While I have a few skirts and dresses for special occasions I'm not going to waste my money (anymore) on buying up every skirt out there because chances are I'll rarely wear them.

So take ownership of your style, and figure out what your "good closet" is.

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