Sunday, February 7


Yeah, I can't believe the President of the United States would say that eaither, but he certainly did.
The State of Maryland issued a State of Emergency in an attempt to keep people off the roads. Of course that didn't happen. But this did. (about 9 cars were stuck on 95 for hours on Saturday after venturing out in the snow)

I enjoyed being snowed in, it gave me and SSBF an excuse to sit around and do nothing. Surprisingly, I avoided buying anything online. I came close on the Martin and Osa website to buying this shirt, but talked myself down after realizing what my credit card bill was going to be this month.

Otherwise, it was a low key day. Really low key, our satellite dish was out, if not buried in the snow on our roof so there was no time wasting TV to relish in.

If only it could be like this a few more days...

On the agenda today: digging out.

On me:
Coat, Puffer, J.Crew
Shirt, SSBF's Flannel,  J.Crew
Scarf, Gap
Belt, F21
Boots, Zigi Soho


Coat, Sherpa Jacket, Gap

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