Wednesday, December 29

I'm Back, Kinda.


Well then. I just wanted to pop in and apologize for my unannounced blogging hiatus. It wasn't exactly planned but has been much needed. I can't even explain how refreshing it was  to be "unplugged" (with the exception of occasional check-ins on the blackberry) for the last couple days.
I'll be back in full force on Friday with my first ever FFBF Friend Friday post. Between work, school, and blogging I don't have the time to comment on blogs like I used to. So I joined FFBF as a way to try and reconnect with both my readers and the community.

In the meantime, how was your holiday? SSF and I spent ours in Michigan with the friends and family we see only once a year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see your FFBF post! I agree it's really hard to keep up with the comments, see comment barrages all over the place :)


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