Two full weekend days and a pile of blinds later here is the end result of my no-sew roman shade:

Not too shabby, right?
There are a few little hiccups (like the fact that shade in the small window doesn't go up very nicely because of a last minute decision by SSF for add blackout lining) but all and all I would say it went relatively smooth.
In total this project cost: $66.87
Decorative Fabric: $42.35(on sale, 7.99/yard)
Blackout Lining: $17.47 (on sale, 3.49/yard)
Hem Tape & Fabric Glue: $7.05
You can see the full step by step tutorial here or here.
Here are some of the things I learned:
-hot glue does not work, or least didn't work for me--- use permanent fabric glue.
-consider using a liner with lighter fabrics, when the light comes through you can see the blinds, which bothered SSF and I more than we thought it would.
-go to the store to scout fabric, but check online for a better deal: my fabric was $19.99/yard in store but landed it from for a much more manageable $7.99/yard.
-you can't measure enough, seriously. measure once and then measure again to make sure your blinds aren't too short, too long, too wide, too narrow.
-above all else, just enjoy it! I loved creating something with my own two hands that is now a fixture in our bedroom.