Sunday, January 1

Goals for a (Happy) New Year


If you were at all curious what I did on New Year's Eve, there it is. I ate semi-fancy but reasonably priced cheese and crackers, drank an entire bottle of "sparkling wine" and watched bits and pieces of Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with SSF. Don't hate.

In addition to all  that, earlier in the day, when I was not drinking I sat down and wrote a future letter to myself. It's an idea that I picked-up from Jess over at MML. I had never done it before and found it painfully uncomfortable, but it was an interesting way to craft some new goals for the coming year. You can see a full explanation of the exercise here but simply stated, the idea is to write a letter to yourself from the perspective of one year in the future looking back on all you accomplished throughout the year .

I liked this exercise because it helped me to open up and write from my heart. I feel like the things I envisioned myself accomplishing over the next year are things I really want to do, not things I feel like I have to do. From that letter I was able to draw out major themes that I wanted to share.

2012 goals 1

There are only so many ways we can cut money from our spending, but the potential to earn money is unlimited. Couple that with the fact that  I've always wanted to open my own business and you've got my first goal for 2012. I have no plans on leaving my current job, but I can't say that it's salary alone is enough to keep SSF and I financially comfortable. With my student loans coming due very soon, we need some additional income. So in 2012, thanks to a little  inspiration from her, her, and her, I am going to start a small (side) business. I don't want to give away too many details right now, but you better believe it has something to do with fashion.

2012 goals 2

This may (or may not, depending on how well you know me) surprise you, but I am a nerd. But I'm also lazy. I'm worried now that I am out of an intellectual environment I won't keep learning. So I've made it a point to put reading at the top of my to-do list.

2012 goals 3

It's so easy to get swept up in the wedding details and forget why you are getting married, and what your budget is. I don't want to lose touch with reality so I will be keeping one eye focused on the bottom-line at all times. That includes my dress. I'm having second thoughts about the super expensive one I fell in love with last year and have decided to keep looking for something more budget appropriate.

2012 goals 4

I really can be selfish with my time and too often I put myself ahead of my friends, and even my family. This year I want to put them before me. I want to be the friend/sister/daughter that remembers important dates, calls often, and is always there.

2012 goals 5

Don't get me wrong, I think SSF and I have a beautiful home, I just wanted it to really feel like home. I want to look around the house and see things that SSF and I created together. I want to feel like my house is worth of a magazine without spending a fortune. I want to do lots of DIY's.

What resolutions did you make for 2012?

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