Monday, February 27

Setting Priorities


 I've been feeling overwhelmingly stressed these days. My contact with people outside of work and SSF has been non-existent. I haven't made any plans for my wedding in weeks and don't even get me started on  my noticeable absence from both blogging and the gym. My consensus has been that my stress was related to having too much to do. It wasn't until Saturday night when I stumbled upon that quote from Maggie Fox that I realized my real problem was lack of priority.

Looking back on the last two weeks I've had  no priorities. Well, to be exact I've had about 50 priorities that all seemed equally important. Ergo, no priorities. And despite leaving work at 8 pm some days I feel like I've accomplished little to nothing over the last two weeks.

But this post isn't just about venting. It's about a solution. To follow in Maggie's lead, I've decided to start setting 3 goals for myself each and every day.  Having 3 goals will help me to narrow my focus on what's important that day and finally feel like I've accomplished something.

My goals today:
1. Finish my presentation for Wednesday
2. Go to the Gym
3. Call my friend Andrea.

How do you set priorities?

P.S. Don't forget to enter my Bag Beautiful Giveaway!

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