Wednesday, December 22

Why My Mom Had it Right

Words I never thought I'd say.

Every single year since I can remember my Mom (and Dad) have had a Christmas spending limit of $100 per child (there's three of us). As a kid, I didn't know that $100 wasn't much relative to what my friend's parents were spending, all I knew was that I had lots of presents under the tree. As I grew older and things became more important, I used to resent my mom for only spending $100, instead of appreciating I had received anything at all. Up until a few years ago I carried this resentment with me. I didn't exactly subscribe to the "it's the thought that counts" school of thought. (Another reason for my overwhelming debt?).

Anyway, the last few years of living well below my means to pay off my debt has taught me a lot about Christmas.

- It truly is the thought that counts. Case in point: My oldest sister. In the past I've given her expensive gifts, namely, a Kate Spade Diaper bag. However, I had never seen her so excited about a gift until this year when I showed her the necklace I had bought her. A simple silver chain, with a simple silver pendant that has all three of her children's names engraved in it. (We celebrated the holiday early). Cost of the bag: $200+, Cost of the necklace: $42

- The holiday's aren't about gifts, they are about family and friends. SSF and I moved to Maryland for jobs but left a lot of friends and family behind both in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Each year we make our rounds to visit all the friends and family we can. If I had to pick a Christmas filled with many presents or the time we share with our friends and family, I would choose the latter.

- Finally, the holiday is not an excuse to go into debt. My mom had it right all along. She spends what she can afford, to avoid paying the bill come January. Why would you want to start a new year with a pile of debt anyway? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a fresh start?

Now for the fun part, old Christmas pictures.




One day I'll share with you guy's the collection of dresses i was subject to wear on all the christian high holidays (Christmas, Easter etc)


  1. OH MY! Absolutely adorable! :) Merry Christmas!

  2. What cute pictures! That was very smart of your mom to have a spending limit. I did the same this year and I haven't gone into debt so far!


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