Friday, April 22

A Guy Thing

Before I even get into this post I am going to admit something. SSF and I used our mini vacation to the Outerbanks (to meet with wedding planners eeee!) as an excuse to go shopping. I know, it's true. I've turned SSF into a lover of fashion. Maybe that's taking it too far...let's just say he loves clothes now.

Anyway, there is one big difference between SSF and I that makes his shopping binges relatively excusable. They only happen 1 or 2 times a year. So while there is some initial sticker shock he doesn't spend a dime on clothes for another 6 months while I accumulate clothes all times of the year. And when I say he I actually mean I don't spend a dime on him for the rest of the year. (We cut a deal he pays groceries--I pay for clothes, I'm just kidding.. kind of.)

Is this a guy thing? I feel like it is. I don't have much of a history with boyfriend to compare it to. Its incredible. He can go months without buying something new all the while I start experiencing withdrawl symtoms after about two weeks.  I think I've done a pretty good job at controlling my impulses but compared to his willpower it's nothing.

While I admire his strength it also drives me crazy that he will let things like shoes fall to ruin because he is too stubborn to replace them.

So what do you think, is this a guy thing? Raise your hands if you have a boyfriend (fiance, husband, life partner etc..) that has similiar shopping habits to SSF. I want to know! Or tell me what your siginificant other does that is totally " a guy thing:"

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